Yet again I had a moment of frustration this week! Unfortunately, I could express my irritation at the time as a college class is not the time and place to go on a vocal rampage. However, I am going to say it now: “Please, please, pleassseeeee stop normalising eating disorders, disordered eating and maladaptive behaviours.” Most importantly do not use an eating disorder comment for a shock factor, or to make a point. Let me make this really clear, I am not saying this just because it can be a trigger, I am saying this because it is just disrespectful and hurtful to those who are suffering and have suffered.
I don’t think people realise the time, energy and planning that goes into an eating disorder. It is a lot of work and requires an intense amount of focus and commitment. If you want to use the words anorexia, bulimia or binging to make a point, Don’t. There are people suffering with these illnesses and struggling all around you and just dropping the theme and topic as a throwaway remark is not okay. I implore everyone to talk and learn about EDs but do it in a kind and helpful manner. Disordered eating is literally life threatening and people die every year because they aren’t able to get the support and desperate help they need.
If anyone out there wants to learn more about eating disorders and what it actually means to have one go and watch Freddie Flintoff’s documentary. I have copied and pasted the link to the trailer below. It isn’t long and is a real eye opener.
Disordered eating is not normal so let’s not normalise it or weaponise it to make a point. Instead, if you do care, learn more about eating disorders, change the culture around which we discuss food, exercise, body image so you can support those around you with ED’s and reduce their prevalence.
